Sunday, December 19, 2010

Pine Wine

It seems that I have been neglecting my poor blog immediately after starting it, and so much has happened too!
I have brewed and bottled a mead (recipe log coming soon (I promise)) and right now I am brewing a Pine Wine.

I boiled a double fist full of pine needles off the White Pine in my front yard in a gallon of well water (I put the needles in the pot then poured the cold water over them) for thirty (30) minutes.

While this was going on I put three (3) cups white sugar in the gallon carboy.

After the 30 min. passed I strained the wort and poured that hot over the sugar and stirred with a long stick.

I poured one (1) cup out into a large measuring cup. Then I rinsed out the pot and put the carboy in that and filled the pot with cold water to cool the wort faster.  Once the set aside cup cooled I poured the 1/5th packet of Red Star "Premier Cuvee" wine yeast in it. Then I sprinkled one (1) tablespoon white sugar in that to help speed that up.

When that got frothy and the carboy was cool enough I pitched the started yeast into the carboy and set it aside in a bakeing dish (to help catch any spill over) with the carboy cover over it and a air lock on it.

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